"There's always something good worth fighting for!"

Name: Berryshine (Berrykit, Berrypaw)
Meaning: Berry- (small, often sweet fruit grown from bushes; she was found as a kitten hiding within a berry bush and was taken into RiverClan) || -shine (given by Fawnlight to symbolize being a light in the dark for her Clan; bright and hopeful)
Nickname(s): Berry, Berries, 'leaf cat'
Rank: Medicine Cat (previous medicine cat apprentice, warrior apprentice)
Age: ~16moons
Gender: she-cat (female)
Orientation: ...?
Song: First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes | Two - Sleeping at Last
Voice Claim: Flora - Winx Club [Rai Version, S2-S4]
Creation Date: January 19th, 2024
Description: small & nimble dark-brown she-cat with darker flecks and light, leafy-green eyes

[ † = deceased ]
Residence: RiverClan
Previous Residence: Technically loner; she was only 2 moons when found.
Mentor(s): None (Previously Mistyshard for medicine | Mistyshard & Pepperbounce for warrior training)
Apprentice(s): N/A (previously Cobwebstorm as MCA)
Father: Unknown - adopted by Stagheart of RiverClan
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown ; Willowtail, Weepingpaw†, & Daisypaw (adoptive siblings)
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A
Crush(es): ...?
Friends: Cobwebstorm, Willowtail, Moonpaw, Ravenpaw, Rainpaw
Role Models: Mistyshard, Stagheart
Positive Relationships: Stormstar, Cobwebstorm, Daisypaw, Willowtail, Brokenstream, Rainpaw
Neutral Relationship: most of RiverClan, usually other medicine cats and Clans (as long as they're being nice...)
Negative Relationships: The mysterious shadow cat who scared her during the raid; Enemy/Attacking Clans, those who ridicule non-Clanborn cats
Active Purrks: The Collector, Dreamwalker

Positive Traits: Kind, hardworking, compassionate, considerate, friendly, determined
Neutral Traits: Persistent, careful, shy, selfless, restless
Negative Traits: Insecure, timid, anxious, overthinker, clumsy, jumpy at times, easily overwhelmed, scattered
Berrypaw was a very young kit when she was found abandoned in a berry bush with no trace of any other cat's scent on her — Clanborn or otherwise. Stagheart, a senior warrior of RiverClan, happened to stumble upon her one day while he was out hunting. Not knowing what else to do and moved to pity, he took the helpless kit back to RiverClan, hoping they'd know what to do. Though she stood out from the strong, bulky warriors of RiverClan with her small, nimble build, she was accepted and raised up in Clan life. She was thus named Berrykit, in regards to the type of bush in which she was found. Stagheart was essentially tasked with fathering the kitten, despite knowing nothing of fatherhood himself and initially trying to pass off the task. But the two grew close, as Berrykit heavily relied on Stagheart to teach her everything — none of the other kits and queens paid her much mind. So eventually, his hardened heart was moved, and he relented.Berrykit was already timid in nature, but she grew insecure and fearful from being taunted for not being Clanborn or teased by her fellow Clanmates. Besides that, she was much smaller, weaker, and more softspoken than them; she couldn't defend with bark nor bite. Resigning herself to more of an introverted lifestyle, Berrykit figured out how to enjoy her own company and the limited time she could spend with Stagheart (a warrior is always busy, is he not?) whom she looked up to as a father. Though, she was still lonely... and will still be for awhile yet.When Berrykit was named apprentice, she was both excited and terrified. Warrior training was something she'd heard about countless times, but now that she was in it, well... she figured out pretty quick that it didn't come naturally to her. Blame it on her Clanless blood or not, Berrypaw struggled to complete the basics; while she seemed alright at agility and basic land hunting, she had no aptitude for battle training — in fact, she held a fearful aversion to it. Her first mentor, Mistyshard, was more than patient and kind with her — but then, the warrior was promoted to be the Clan's medicine cat. Berrypaw was devastated by this, though she tried to be positive. When she was reassigned to a new mentor, Berrypaw had only gotten in a few sessions with Pepperbounce when she was approached and asked to become the medicine cat apprentice. Flustered and shocked, she eventually came to her senses and agreed — thus beginning an entirely new realm of training and beginning to understand who she is and what she means to this Clan.Mistyshard eventually became more absent in her role, and then revealed she was pregnant. Shocked, Berrypaw had to accept the reality that she was now going to be entirely on her own as her beloved mentor stepped down. This was a huge turning point for Berrypaw, especially following the traumatic events of RiverClan's exile and the unprocessed battle she's left terrified by. For awhile, the young herbalist had to shoulder the healing for the entire Clan while not knowing many herbs nor procedures, just praying to StarClan she'd get it right.After Fadingstar was driven out of the Clan, Dusklion took over and ushered Berrypaw to the Starcave for them to earn their new names. Becoming Stormstar and Berryshine, the two returned to their new camp to usher in a new era of RiverClan. Berry chose Cobwebfern, her best friend, as her apprentice and helper. While she still struggles with anxiety and self-doubt, Berry earning her new name and being deemed worthy to become RiverClan's full medicine cat has boosted some of her confidence and helped her recover from the funk she'd been in ever since the raid all those moons ago; a new spark of hope had regrown where it'd previously been lost. Things are still changing, and quite often, but she feels more prepared than ever. She's grown a lot through all she's endured, and now, she simply wants to provide her Clan with as much stability and grace as she can during these tough times. And who better than her best friend should be at her side?


  • Cobwebs - to patch up wounds/stop bleeding

  • Moss - to soak up blood; can be wetted and used to help clean wounds or give a cat a drink

  • Marigold - chewed into a poultice and applied to fresh wounds to prevent infection; helps with swollen joints & broken bones as well

  • Borage - must be chewed and eaten by a cat suffering from infection to help heal it internally

  • Poppy seeds - chewed to help relieve pain; can't give to young kits. must be limited use to prevent adverse effects, especially in younger cats.

  • Honey - soothes itching/stinging skin, wounds, and throats

  • Celandine - crushed into a juice & trickled into weak/damaged eyes

  • Coltsfoot - eat the leaves for breathing issues/coughs (safe for kits); can help cracked/sore paw pads

  • Burnet - eaten to give strength for long journeys and expecting queens; "traveling herb"

  • Dandelion - chewed as a painkiller; alleviates pain from bee stings

  • Catmint - eaten for greencough & whitecough; can help with stress/shock (not best option)

  • Goldenrod - chewed into a poultice to clean wounds; not as effective but good backup


  • How to identify pregnancy and help a cat give birth (learned from Spiritbunny's & Swanberry's kittings)

  • How to spot/treat infected wounds and their basic symptoms

  • Fixing broken limbs/making splints

  • How to identify deafness/try to help set up communication

  • Amputation (learning-in-progress)